Thursday, December 24, 2009

This goes to show what we do when our brains are fried from studying for finals.
This is a picture of me and Luis at Thanksgiving at the Beavercreek lodge in logan canyon. My generous uncle rented out the entire lodge for our family to enjoy the holiday together. It was so nice to not have to take the long drive to see the family, and instead have them drive to us! I was hoping for a lot of snow to go snowmobiling and have other great adventures; there ended up being just a little snow, but we were glad there wasn't more so that everyone was able to arrive safely (count your blessings, right?) We had such a fun, relaxing time with the 50+ people that made it. We wish everyone could have made the trip. We love our uncle Rob!
We shared a room with my sister's family. This is her little cutie that didn't sleep so well, but is just so adorable, we couldn't stand to hold a grudge. It was so easy to make her laugh. What could boost your self esteem any more than being able to make a toddler laugh?

This is our first nephew! He is such a lady killer already! It was so fun to see him for the first time and see him smile constantly. Here is Cash looking on intently at the gift he was given for an early Christmas present. Makes me laugh...

Friday, December 18, 2009

an update

We finished another semester! And my was it a long one! I have not posted for a while because of the crazy 12 and 14 hour days in the library! We are so thrilled to be done and we can finally embark on the Christmas spirit. We leave for home tomorrow and are so excited to not have to worry about getting assignments done or getting exams taken for 3 weeks! Yahoo!!! We are fortunate to spend the holidays with both my family and Luis'. One thing I am super excited about is getting away from this -11 degree weather! It is just too cold when your nose hairs freeze as soon as you step outside and you feel like you have to sneeze.

I have one semester left (hopefully the easiest one) and Luis has 2 more left. I think we are finally beginning to see the light at the end of this tunnel, only to see another long tunnel ahead of that (gradute school!) I will post pictures of our recent adventures within a few days. Hope everyone is having a wonderful and safe Christmas season!