Tuesday, April 26, 2011

PA and Polysci school

PA school is so much better this semester than it was last! Maybe it's because now I know everything (yeah. right.) This semester I feel like we are applying our knowledge (at least trying t0) with mock patients and labs. Here is my favorite one so far that I have actually been anxiously awaiting since day one. Luis is enjoying his schooling, but is sure happy to be finished commuting every week to Utah. Next week is his last week! We are so blessed that Rob and Beth put up with him! We are planning to move to Farmington, UT for my clinical year so Luis can be a little closer to his school. Clinical year is so close I can feel it! And even though it is currently white on the ground (people around have been calling it white rain?), it is getting closer to summer! Have every reason to be happy.